This course is ideal for you if you need to start using databases at work. You may have absolutely no knowledge of databases or perhaps you have just used databases set up by someone else.
- Design Table
- Data Types
- Adding Records
- Deleting Records
- Hide, Unhide Columns
- Sort
- Filter, Filter by Selection
- Queries
- Criteria in Query
- Wildcard in Query
- Forms- wizard
- Design forms
- Reports
- Design reports
This course is ideal for you if you have been using databases at work but want to move past the basics and increase your skills. It will help you work more efficiently and faster.
- Field Properties
- Default Values
- Validation Rules, Text
- Input Mask
- Totals in a Query
- Calculated fields in query
- Date Queries
- Calculated field in Forms
- Calculated field in Reports
- Relationships
- Subdatasheets
- Multiple Queries
- Parameter Queries
- Wildcard Parameters
This course is ideal for you if you work regularly and extensively with databases at work and want to learn how to use them to the full.
- Archiving data – make an archive table, append and delete queries
- Creating Sub Forms
- Creating Sub Reports
- Creating an Archive Table
- Delete Query
- Append Query
- Creating an update query to do repetitive updates
- Creating a crosstab query to display related data
- Make Table Query
- Protection
- Creating a switchboard for a more professional front end to your database
- Multiple Switchboards
- Basic SQL Queries
- Union Queries
- Creating many to many relationships between tables
- Creating a macro to automate tasks
Microsoft Office Training
The course content is flexible depending on the needs and interests of the class. Individual queries will be accommodated as far as possible.